Our Mission

The Lehigh Catholic Campus Ministry & Newman Center's mission is to know and love Jesus Christ, to discover His Will in our lives, and to serve Him and His Church on our campus and in the world. We serve the spiritual, social, and leadership formation needs of Catholic students attending Lehigh University. We provide a community that is a "home away from home" offering the opportunity for people to receive the Sacraments and have access to a safe and welcoming place of prayer and a spiritual center for students, faculty, and staff.


The Newman Center is located in Cullen Hall on the Campus of Holy Ghost Church.

417 Carlton Avenue Bethlehem,

PA 18015-1535

Phone #: (610) 758-4148
E-mail: innew@lehigh.edu

Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Stephan A. Isaac, M. Div., M.A. E-mail: sai424@lehigh.edu

Coordinator: Ronald J. Koach, Jr. E-Mail:rjk5@lehigh.edu


Mass Intentions and Mass Intention Cards

Mass Intentions and Mass Intention cards for either the Living or Deceased remembrances are available at the Newman Center.

The priest will celebrate a Mass for your loved one or particular intention on Sunday or a weekday.

Mass stipends are ten dollars ($10).